Sunday, December 12, 2010

Microwave Generation

Alright, so I had one person comment on my last post and so I wanted to talk a little bit about what they said. Basically someone said that if in the end, you cannot commit, what is the point of anyone even trying to get close to you or appreciate you, its just a waste.

So, my friend, this is what I have to say:

1. People are very selfish, they always want to know "whats in it for me?"
2. People want to get credit for everything they did and they will take credit for whatever they can
3. People want things to be "mine" they are always worried about possession

...and I will admit, that I guess we are all on a quest to find what is ours, to discover what things belong to us or what things will stick to us. I am guilty of this just as much as everyone, I want to find a group of friends who are mine, and a place which is mine, somewhere where I am understood or appreciated. But how will you or anyone ever find this if you go around judging whether making the effort will be a waste or not? I mean if you look at a situation and say, I might not get anything out of this so its not worth it, then you're never going to get anything out of anything.

We are the freaking microwave generation. We want everything to happen so quickly and we want to know what the end result will be as soon as we can. No one wants to count on trial and error and no one wants to do anything if they are not going to see any benefits.

People can't just appreciate what is right in front of them. People are silly. Like this is the most common example I can think of:

Two people meet and they hit it off, they are really interested in each other but one person knows that they are not ready to decide who they want to be with for the rest of their life. If that partner tells the other person, the other person says, well what is the point of going out with you and learning about each other if, in the end, nothing is likely to come out of it. THIS IS THE PROBLEM! people, you need to appreciate everything around you. You are not going to be able to sit back and say: these are the friends I will have for the rest of my life, this is the person I want to marry, this is going to be my job....its just impossible. When you go through life you need to learn things just to become a more aware and well rounded person. I am a physical therapy major, why the hell do I need to take a humanity course about writing about nature???? Someone tell me, what benefit am I getting?? You just need to put yourself out there and cherish the things around you because its guaranteed they are not going to be there forever.

That how life is, things are not always going to benefit you in very clear ways, but you need to just contribute what you have. You need to give your all to everyone even if you cannot expect anything back in return.

One of my favorite images is that presented in "The Meaning of Life."
Stop, put your hand over your heart right now.
Do you feel it beating?
This is your life clock. Its 100% guaranteed that it is going to stop one day, so don't live your life holding back, because when it ends, you don't want to have any regrets

Don't you dare say that it is a waste to try and touch people who may or may not ever appreciate it. This is what I do, I am a floater. When I see that I can fill a void somewhere I do, even though, 98% of the time, I fall completely out of the picture when I am no longer needed. And at least I am trying, at least I am doing something. I hate that you cant realise how much I am doing for you, but at least I am doing it. At least I am trying to make a difference in your life. It is not a waste, if it is, then my existence is a waste. Do not try to tell me that life is supposed to be about pre-determining everything because you can never insure that you will get anything back when you give.  When my life ends, I will be sorry for the people who held back and didn't reach out for others. I will pray for the people who couldn't open their eyes enough to see how much I cared about them. And  I will be proud, that I lived life giving it all I had, just trying to appreciate things, even if they were temporary.

Something to think about:
Hobbes believed that humans were characterized by a “universal drive toward self-preservation and self-advancement"
He said that "societies are made up of those unique individuals striving to aggrandize themselves, striving to seek their own advantage in every way possible”

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