Sunday, December 12, 2010

Who I wanted to Be in College?

“The unity of a human life is the unity of a narrative quest. Quests sometimes fail, are frustrated, abandoned or dissipated into distractions; and human lives may in all these ways also fail…it is in the course of the quest…that the goal of the quest is finally to be understood” ("The Virtues: The Unity of a Human Life and the Concept of Tradition")
The success of a person's life can only be measured in the knowledge they have and the lessons that they have learned. So basically, we can take from this, that its not just what you do in your life that is important but how you choose to live your life which is defining of you character.

I realised that high school was a joke in terms of gym class, hall passes, and detentions but, what was important was what you took from it. Learning how to pay attention in class, learning to study, learning to respect your teachers and peers...those things were important. It was not the actual content which mattered, it was what you took out of the experience.

In high school, my life was very controlled, and I hated it, but I learned to become dedicated, responsible, organised and disciplined. Even though it sucked to have curfews and to have a lot of things to do, I think that shaped who I am now.

So what do you do when you are out of the hold of these limitations? I guess you look at what you did which was successful and what you wanted to change and then take that knowledge and go forward. You need to reflect on things and then keep pressing forward.

College: Finally! The place where you can completely be who you want to be, where no one knows you, and where you can go out and be who ever you want to be.

I decided these were some of the things I wanted to do in college in terms of other people:

1. Put myself out there-- If  I don't hold back, people can either accept me or not, but at least I am not being fake
2. Be myself, and hope people liked what they saw
3. Find a good group of friends, people who understood me and would be there for me, people I could trust and count on

So I guess what I am looking for is that place of my own...Have I found it yet, I am not sure.... I guess it takes time

I mean what I really want is to be part of something. When people ask who they would call if they were about to die in a plane crash, I want someone to think of me. When people need someone to talk to, I hope people think to call me. When people ask who their friends are, I want to be one of those people.

So I'm not too sure how to tackle these things, but I guess all you can do is go out and live and hope people will see the light in you.

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