Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

So I have been meaning to reflect upon 2010 and embrace the new year; making some insightful resolutions and conclusions, however this task is quite daunting. So I did some research and found a list of questions to promt reflection upon my year.

"In order to embrace the new we must release the old. A trapeze artist cannot swing from one bar to another without letting go. An important part of preparing for a New Year is to review the past year--to release it--and to learn from it."

1. What did I learn? (Skills, knowledge, awareness', etc.)
I believe that I learned a lot from my transition from high school to college. I have learned that in high school  and k-12 a lot of the methods seem very silly now: hall passes, gym class, cell phone rules, no gum, etc; however they were neccessary to keep all of us kids tame enough to teach us important skills, such as learning how to memorize, learning how to study, learning to be responsible and prioritize, learning to make the time to do homework and study--organizing time; which would not have been possible without all these, now silly-seeming rules. I also learned about friends, I think that it was surprising how many people fell out of my life once I got to college and also suprising which ones I chose to keep in it. The friends that I associated socially as my friends, I really dont talk to anymore, but the ones who I saw less often in school but who I confided in and saw outside of school became closer and more valuable to me. I have found very solidly that: Caitlin Marino, Hannah Sullivan, Kristin Carlson, Maddie Collins, Becca Varney.... have become the people back home who I will pick up and call right away when I have something to talk about. However I have also seen people who I have been close with in the past try to reach to me: Bonne, Alyssa, who I maybe need to reach back to a little more. These people have tried to be there for me and I need to be there for them as well.

2. What did I accomplish? (List of my wins and achievements.)
1. Placed in the all around at nationals for gymnastics
2. Graduated from Longmeadow High School
3. Got into every college I applied to including my reach school (Boston University, Springfield College, Sacred Heart University, Quinnipiac University)
4. Completed my first semester in college with all As and Bs

3. What would I have done differently? Why?
If I could go back and time and change some things I would...
1. have analyzed my feelings about relationships more carefully and been less reckless about commitments
2. Have taken my commitments in gymnastics more seriously, tried harder, earlier
3. Put more importance in visiting my grandmother before college

4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?
I ended many chapters of my life.
I completed high school, so the friendships and people relating to it have become a much less significant part of my life.   
I ended a 2.5 year relationship, which means an end to a whole network of relationships and activities.
I completed my final gymnastics meet and dance recital.
I released my grandmother to heaven.
I completed my final year in girl scouting.
I completed my last year living at home, meaning that my place in the family needs to change.

I am not to sure what feels incomplete, if I had to come up with some things, they would be the following:
1. Finding an exercise/diet plan which I can commit to
2. Figuring out my expectations of my future/determining a path for the future which motivates me
3. Organizing my room at home and condensing the amount of things I have there.
4. Reaching back to some friends from high school who I may be on the borderline of losing

5. What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.
   1. Graduation
   2. Beginning College
   3. Relationship Status Change

6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was your greatest contribution?
I believe that I made a solid decision about myself needing time to change and experiment in my life. I feel especially good about becoming an advocate for myself and my feelings in my past relationship and in my friendships. I am becoming very open about being the person that I want to be and letting others choose how they feel about it. I think that I have been trying to show people who I am and also show people how much they mean to me. I think my greatest contribution was kindling a great relationship to my grandmother before her passing because I believe that would have been a life-long regret for myself if I was not able to get close to her and gain this relationship. Another contribution was getting close to the church at school, and although I believe I need to improve the relationship I have with Christianity outside of the church, however I feel very good about my self-motivation towards going to mass in school.

7. What were the fun things I did? What were the things that were not fun?
-FUN: Going to Disney, Jamaica, Spain, and Switzerland
-FUN: My first semester at Quinnipiac University
-NOT SO FUN: stupid fights with family and friends
-NOT SO FUN: post-break up depression

8. What were my biggest challenges, roadblocks or difficulties?
I think that I was so set on getting to college and getting to be independent that I was not appreciating some of the things around me, so when it came time to leave these things behind, I was very scared and it put a lot of pressure on me to figure out my plans for the future and also to find my place in college right away. Another challange was that while everything in my life was changing, including my breakup, I realised I wasnt surrounded by all of the support I had at home and this made the transition very difficult for me but also made me realise how important it was to appreciate the new things around me.

9. How am I different this year than last?
I am a college student, more independent, not living at home
I am more in-tune with myself, I am trying to analyze myself and i have become a greater advocate for how I feel.

10. For what am I particularly grateful
My loving family, who have supported me all through my life and contiunue to support me today
My mom--who loves me unconditionally, and shows me support: thanks for staying up with me until 2am when I felt confused and lonely, thankyou for driving to college to get me when I really needed you, thankyou for all your support and for always giving me the things I asked for. Thankyou for bringing me up, teaching me how to be independent, organised, motivated, and responsible. Thankyou for keeping me out of trouble and teaching me right from wrong. Thankyou for being my best friend
My dad- thankyou for always supporting me, even when it was something you didnt really understand. Thankyou for having patience with me when I am being moody or unreasonable. Thankyou for always taking care of me and being a loving father
My sister- thankyou for always loving me and looking up to me. thankyou for always helping me with the things i need and being there for me when I needed u there for me
My supportive friends--especially those of you who have been there for me when I especially needed it or when I really needed someone to reach out to me.
My cats-- I know this seems silly, but really, they always make me smile and are there for me when I need comforting, they really are some of my best friends too
Health, Safety, Laughter, Company, Knowledge, Good Times, Memories, Smiles
The opportunity to get closer to my grandmother
The opportunity to live life the way I have been acustomed: to be able to get a great education and feel safe
God--Thankyou for everything tangible and untangible; I love you

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